To excel in social marketing as a B2B company, you must share content that provides value to your audience. Whether that is educational or entertainment-based value, every company has a niche market. The key to success is finding that niche and determining what speaks to your audience.

Too often, companies can fall into the trap of only posting promotional product-based content. If this is all you’re posting, your social presence is not likely to be engaging. How can you shift your social approach to target your specific audience?

5 B2B Social Marketing Strategies

1. Post conversational content

Social media revolves around building communities and connecting with others. You won’t be able to do either if you’re only talking about your own brand and products. Instead, participate in the conversations your target audience is already a part of. You can do this by sparking conversations with questions, polls or surveys. Once you have found the relevant key players and influencers in your industry, tune into what they’re talking about and post on those topics.

2. Highlight your employees and company culture

Shining a light on your employees and culture gives your audience a chance to connect with the human aspect of your brand and makes it much more relatable. People connect with people and no matter what you’re selling, your audience wants to see who is really behind your brand. Any time you can tell a story or incorporate an emotional tie-in, your content will be more engaging. If you’re sharing employee-centric content, those employees are also more inclined to share it, therefore increasing your company’s reach.

Free Downloadable Resource: The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Social Media Success

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3. Share original content and demonstrate value

Although it’s important to participate in conversations and repost industry content, it’s equally as important to share your company’s unique content as well. You shouldn’t simply be distributing promotions or sales information, but offering content that is genuinely helpful to your audience. This could be in the form of blogs, podcasts or free learning resources discussing topics of interest to your audience.

4. Form a unique brand voice

Like your company’s brand standards for design elements, your social media presence should fall in line with your company’s persona. To determine your brand voice and tone, review your past written content like emails or blog posts. You can then expand the tone from this copy and tailor it to each social network based on your goals. This should produce a unique voice that will separate you from your competition and be recognizable by your audience.

5. Change up your content schedule

Although there are standard best practices to follow for social marketing, your audience will respond differently to your content depending on several different factors. It’s important to refresh your content every so often by running tests on what performs best. Try experimenting with different hashtags, posting less or more frequently, and alternating your copy or posting time to see what generates the most engagement.

Happy Marketing!

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