
4 Ways to Optimize Your Social Presence to Meet Your Business Objectives

by Amy Montague

Today, 76 percent of businesses utilize social media to meet their business objectives. That means there is a very good chance that your business is on social media. But now what? With social media being such a popular place for brands, it isn’t enough just to be there. How can you take your social presence to the next level and demonstrate quantifiable results? We compiled our top four optimization tips to help you make the most of your social marketing efforts.

Optimize your social presence in 4 steps

1. Use analytics to understand your target market

You can cater to your ideal buyer by utilizing multiple social media platforms. Each platform has a unique demographic, so you have the opportunity to interact with and gain an understanding of different audiences. Once you’ve established your presence on these platforms, ensure that you collect and analyze insights from each audience by monitoring your social media data. Pay close attention to what type of content each audience engages with and what drives the most conversions. By collecting insights on your customers, it’s easier to create posts and advertisements that resonate with each target market.

2. Create content to nurture leads

When you think of guiding leads down the funnel, email probably comes to mind immediately. But email marketing is not the only way to nurture leads. When combined with other tactics, social media marketing can magnify your efforts to nurture new leads. To achieve this, deliver a variety of content that caters to your customers in the different stages of the buyer’s journey. For buyers who are not familiar with your product or industry, publish educational, thought leadership content that helps them understand the bigger picture. For buyers who are further along and may be close to the purchasing stage, promote and tease product demos to show how your products or services can address their needs.

Downloadable Resource: The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Social Media Success

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3. Connect with your sales team

Once you have identified potential leads on social media, connect with your sales team to identify prospects from those leads. Social media listening tools can help streamline this process. With the right solutions, your sales team can easily monitor your organization’s social media channels for mentions of your brand as well as other relevant topics with targeted keywords. With social listening, your team will be able to collect important information that shows how prospects engage with your brand and similar brands on social media. You can draw insights from this behavior and more easily be able to implement social media tactics that will draw in your prospects.

4. Incentivize action

If your goal is to increase overall conversions from social, try incentivizing your audience to engage with your content or make a purchase. You could create interactive polls, or a “re-post” contest, depending on what is most suitable for your industry. Give prizes to the winners, either monetary or a discount off a future purchase. Additionally, consider creating a referral link for your top brand ambassadors or other industry influencers to share on social. This can be a great way to reward your most engaged followers and reach a larger audience.

As you implement the above tactics to optimize your social presence, ensure that you are closely aligning your efforts to your objectives and goals. Most importantly, monitor which of your products or services are garnering the most conversions on each platform and continue to adjust your strategy moving forward.

Happy Marketing!

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