Landing Pages

With ClickDimensions, quickly and easily create dynamic landing pages without any HTML knowledge. Landing pages are automatically hosted in ClickDimensions, or you can embed the landing page into your existing site.

Create landing pages without knowing HTML

ClickDimensions makes it easy to create marketing pages from within Microsoft CRM. Create a new landing page using our page designer with a few clicks of your mouse and we’ll host it for you.

Want to see how customers use our tools? View our Case Studies page here.

ClickDimensions landing pages for Dynamics 365 CRM
Campaign landing pages

Associate the landing page with a campaign

Are you creating a page for specific emails or a marketing campaign? You can track all of your page visitors inside a campaign record in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. When creating your page, simply associate it with your CRM campaign record.

Embed ClickDimensions forms and surveys in landing pages

Make your pages dynamic by integrating forms or surveys. Collect valuable information and track conversions from your leads or contacts by embedding forms that have been created with the ClickDimensions form builder directly into your landing pages.

Talk to our team about Landing Pages here