
Driving Adoption in your Employee Advocacy Program

by ClickDimensions Marketing

Congratulations! You’ve successfully piloted and launched your employee advocacy program.

What’s next?

The ongoing success of any employee advocacy program largely depends on motivating your colleagues to share more content. Here’s a few tried and true tactics for driving advocacy adoption across your organization.

Offer incentives

It’s human nature that we respond to rewards and recognition.  Incentives can range from something simple to administer, such as a gift card, to more involved events like an offsite activity or team dinner. Our customer feedback indicates a recognition-based approach can be extremely effective. Shining the spotlight on top advocates in Slack, the company newsletter, or an annual award ceremony are all popular options.

Gamify your program

There’s a reason gamification has become a hot topic – it simply works! Spark some friendly competition by gamifying the program with a leaderboard and watch participation levels take off. Our customers using leaderboards are often surprised to see which employees exhibit competitive juices; it’s not just the usual suspects in the sales team.

Share engagement data

Tangible results are powerful motivators. When advocacy shares translate into conversions and sales opportunities, it can dramatically boost participation. Every employee wants to contribute to the company’s bottom line, and social advocacy gives staff outside of the sales team a way to make a quantifiable impact. Show your advocates how their participation drives up key metrics, from reach and engagement to conversions and revenue.

Let advocates create content

Here’s a win-win for both program admins and employee advocates: inviting content suggestions from your advocates is a great way to get them involved and encourage them to share more frequently. You get first-hand access to content that will strongly resonate with your employees’ social audiences and, ultimately, amplify your brand awareness.

Obviously, employees are the lynchpin in building a vibrant and successful social advocacy program. The effort invested into making them feel recognized and appreciated for their participation will pay dividends, helping you achieve great results.

[Source: The B2B Marketers Guide to Employee Advocacy, Oktopost]

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