
The Top 4 Ways Managed Services Can Benefit Marketers

by clickdimensions

Did you know that there are more than 8,000 marketing technologies on the market today? And according to an annual look by Chief Marketing Technologist blog, the number of available marketing solutions continues to grow each year. While this is a benefit to marketers in that they have a variety of technologies to choose from to help them execute and measure their marketing initiatives, technology alone can’t meet the needs of modern marketers. Knowledge and skills are necessary too. But with the ever-changing breadth and complexity of today’s marketing technology stack, marketing teams face a number of new barriers to success.

Managed marketing services can help marketers overcome challenges and realize significant benefits. Here, we explore the top four advantages:

1.Increase capacity. With so many new tactics, technologies and channels available today, marketers are feeling crunched for time like never before. They often don’t have time to experiment with new ideas and tactics because they are too busy with day-to-day marketing activities. With managed services, marketing teams can execute on their marketing strategy more efficiently and effectively while also having the capacity to try new things.

2. Free up resources. Finding the time to learn and use their marketing technology can be a significant challenge for marketers. An organization’s marketing strategy can suffer from a lack of attention and innovation when marketing teams are bogged down by the day-to-day execution of campaigns and fully utilizing the marketing technologies that power them. By leveraging marketing services, marketers are free to focus on more critical marketing endeavors.

3. Supplement existing skillsets. With technologies, tactics and channels changing so rapidly today, many marketing teams today lack some of the skillsets they need to be most successful. By contracting with their marketing technology provider for managed marketing services, marketing teams can supplement the skillsets they already have on staff with outside expertise. This is particularly helpful when it comes to the more technical facets of utilizing marketing automation systems.

4. Fully utilize marketing technology. Too often today, only the basic features and functionality of marketing technology solutions are utilized. Many marketing departments never fully implement or use even half of the functionality found in their marketing technology. Managed execution services help marketers realize the greatest ROI on their technology investments and get more out of their marketing efforts for years to come by broadening marketing horizons and audience engagement efforts.

Happy Marketing!

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