The Path Forward:
Navigating the Revenue Reckoning

The pandemic accelerated the shift to digital and remote, and we’re never going back. Companies who don’t adapt quickly enough to meet buyers’ digital-first preferences will end up with unfulfilled quotas, insufficient pipelines and profits well below expectations – a revenue reckoning.

This change will require a significant shift in the way businesses think about generating revenue, organizing human capital resources and investing in technology. It will also require CEO involvement to ensure that strategic, top-level decisions can be made when it comes to determining resource reallocation and technology investments.

But there is a path forward. And ClickDimensions is here to help you find it with resources that can help you navigate the new selling landscape and the challenges it brings.

Check back to this page often – we will update it regularly with new and valuable resources.

Learn the most significant business change brought about by the pandemic, the four milestones every business must attain in the journey to revenue generation in a digital-first landscape and five things you must know about buyer behaviors today.

Many companies have confidence that new sales will soon return to pre-pandemic levels, but it’s time for a reality check when it comes to revenue recovery.

Marketing maturity will play a big part in navigating the revenue reckoning – find out where you are in the marketing maturity journey and get expert recommendations for riding the marketing maturity wave to success.