
5 Questions: Sarah Munson

by ClickDimensions Marketing

In our 5 Questions blog series, we profile our customers, partners and team members to help the ClickDimensions community become better acquainted. We hope you enjoy getting to know these individuals, and if you’re interested in being featured, send us an email at

Sarah Munson
Director of Marketing, Blanchard and Company

 1. What do you like best about your job?

I enjoy the fast pace and challenges that come with running a marketing department. I also get the opportunity to work with many different people and departments which gives me a better understanding of our business as a whole. Sometimes it feels like herding cats but when everything comes together and I can see how our efforts lead to profitability for the company, it’s quite rewarding.

2. What are the biggest professional challenges you face and how does ClickDimensions help you address those challenges?

One of our biggest challenges is staying in front of our huge customer base. We have a small sales team to manage hundreds of thousands of clients. ClickDimensions helps us support the sales team in their efforts by providing multiple touch points for our customers along the sales journey.

3. What was your background before landing in your current role?

I’ve been very fortunate to work in a variety of roles across the marketing field – I’ve been a media buyer, a sales executive, an account manager, a client services rep. I’ve worked for ad agencies and consulting firms and even owned my own business. I think this gives me great perspective.

4. If you woke up tomorrow as an animal, what animal would you choose to be and why?

We always have a house full of animals; cats, dogs, fish, turtles… but I’m a cat person by nature. I have always joked with my husband that I would love to come back as one of our cats because they live the good life for sure!

5. Who is the person you most admire?

There are so many people in this world and my life to admire! But after the lockdowns due to COVID last year, my current admirations are squarely focused on teachers. Teaching two young children is no easy feat (4th grade is harder than I remember!) and my respect, appreciation and admiration for not just their teachers, but for all teachers, has grown tremendously.

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